Hosted and directed by Jason Rodi, live from Communautique, NOMAD delivers a 2 hour show connecting you to ÉchoFab, the first Fab Lab in Canada, and the Canadian Fab Lab community!
FAB16 brings together members of the international Fab Lab network, as well as government officials, academic researchers, and experts in the field of digital fabrication, to present, envision, discuss, and build community around digital fabrication, technology, and innovation. This year, FAB16 and Fab City Summit will all be hosted online, with FAB16 Hubs creating events for their communities to join the online programming and local programming of their own.
The meeting includes several events for the manufacturing community and the general public. The community component includes a symposium with talks on Fab Labs, digital fabrication methods, innovative and green approaches, digital fabrication workshops taught by the fabber community.
In order to reach a wider audience, the Fab Festival event will offer a Montréal showcase, an entirely free event. Adults and children alike will be able to discover fabrication technologies and prototyping demonstrations that reflect what can be found in Fab Labs around the world. While the global community cannot be together in person in Montréal, we encourage other regions to create their own local Fab Festivals!