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Parafilms is a spore of creativity, a team of storytellers, cinematographers and artists who produce

engaging films and multimedia projects.
NOMAD is proud to share their Plankton Chronicles, and world travels right here on our SlowTV.

Based in Montreal, Parafilms directs an array of documentary, educational, artistic work focused on quality content.

Collaborations spread across many spectrums: National Geographic, CBC, BBC, TED, CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), Tara Expedition, University Laval, Mosaïculture... Most projects involve expedition filmmaking, science communication and outreach. Parafilms explores human stories and magnifies the mysteries of nature.

Parafilms were the very first members of NOMAD coworking some 12 years ago,
so we are very happy to see how wonderfully their work has developed, as you can witness yourself here.

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